Hope is a Nigerian

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Poetreel Weekly Challenge.


Hope is a Nigerian
She’s tough, and she’s a leader
Who believes in tomorrow
Even when her present has been murdered
A believer
Who says her motherland can still be delivered
A giver
She sleeps hungry at night
Knowing tomorrow offers no respite
But she wakes up at dawn in-spite
And moves forward despite the bite
In her belly, she doesn’t lose her might
She shines so bright
She’s the light at the end of the tunnel that we look up to as we go through
She’s our belief that tomorrow would be all good
‘Hold your head up’, she says
‘Smile! You’re beautiful’
Even though she’s so battered she looks so pitiful
She’s our courage and our strength
Our will that won’t be bent
Our immortal heaven sent
She’s the salve to our broken bones
Balm to our awful woes
She’s a believer and a leader
She’s tough, Hope is a Nigerian.

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