The Prelude II

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I'm the Poem, not the Poet.


It is said that a poet's identity 

is found in their work,

rather than in who they are as an individual.

So best believe that what you hear in my spoken poems 

are not far from the truth.


I really believe that it is Odd that I am a poet in my Prime years

and I have nothing to show for it.

I am truly a budding poet with a zero number of published poems to his name.

It is also true that my love life is really like a labyrinth.

A puzzle I can't solve.

A game I can't play.

How I have been stuck in Level one

because I don't buy airtime for women I just met.

I really had to learn that 

I was lost,

that money was not the way 

to a woman's heart from social media.

In the absence of my father,

whose world is meant to revolve around me.

his son.

That I only join spoken word contests when I am broke

is not a lie.

I can only squeeze out words on Google doc pages when the hunger choke.

So don't be surprised that the poet who writes about cloudy days is really gloomy.

That even on the sunniest of days,

My depression is like a shadow that never leaves.

it follows me 

everywhere holding hands with

my fear of not finding my purpose.

I also really believe that a person's legacy is found in the things they create, 

So I look up into the skies,

my two palms beside each other,

I pray

that my work will have an impact while

I fade away

into black.

/ ::

