Words Work Wonder!

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Words are as light is to a candle and as food is to living things. They cannot be done without as they are indeed the verb of culture, language, tradition, ethnicity, in fact their functionality is inexhaustible.
They can simultaneously be the darkest of night or the brightest day.
But then, how do you choose your words?


Homes are built and broken with words
People are eulogized yet torn apart with words.
My mother converses, dad rebukes, the teacher forbids with things as instrumental as words.
Kings are praised and princes are enthroned with speeches penned with words.
Incantations, divinations, blessings, rebuttals are spewed yet again with words.

Tribal palaver, hierarchical conflicts, squabbles, equivocal words with underlying connotations are seen with words.

Our intentions, secrets, plans, dreams, are told in words.

Word are tools of progress, yielded by all and sundry.
A tool of destruction is he, be it oral, verbal, or electronically.
Wonders are indeed wrought with the use of words.

When not chosen wisely, blood is spilled, disasters ensue, generational clashes are seen, commotion is instantaneously stirred.

In the hands of a sage, words are monumental tools for upliftment, encouragement, to pacify, direct and guide the crestfallen.They cut across Genesis, politics and family.

Actions are known,
Reading is mastered,
Phonemes are articulated,
Dialects are accentuated,
Cultures anglicised,
Presentations validated,
Sermons romanticised,
Dialogues initiated,
The heavens and the earth are measured with words.

Death and punishment,
The magistrate order,
The pedlar wails,
The women shout,
Parents scream,
The pastor preaches,
Diagnoses are stricken,
Drugs are given,
History is recorded,
Animals are named,
Humans are christened,
Emotions are recognised,
Professions are explained,

Relationship and marriage abound and others are described aloud.

Words are powerful yet weak,
Can be at their best yet worst,
Could be attractive yet destructive,
Cold yet fierce,
Mild yet malicious,
Life yet death,
An angel yet a horrendous creature,
The truth yet the chameleon,
A predator yet the prey,
The victor yet the vanquished.

Words indeed work wonders from era to seasons.
We have we told our tales beautifully yet differently as we are inextricably woven by our very many tales.

"Words Indeed Work Wonders".
Thank you!

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