Bills Have No Emotions

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This poem explains the continuous flow of bills a normal Nigerian face daily and the frustration it involves.


They come running fast at me
Like swarms of mosquitoes
From right, left,front back and center.
Everywhere I turn to, I see them coming.
The cool and hot heat of the day cannot even stop them.
Relentlessly without emotions
They stirred at me everyday,
Combart soldiers without mercy,
Pushing me out at the early hours of the morning,
Only to arrive late at night,
Doing the things I don't even love.
What kind of trouble is this?

Like mosquitoes they find every little place to hide in my abode.
From maintance,
To electricity bill
And to mylandlord,
What about feeding,
And health bills
More And even more Of them,
Even the ones without names
Another bills just arrived!
I don tire.

/ ::

