опубликованный 10 месяцы тому назад в

Words Work Wonders

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Your words possess the power to truly change things. Choose your words wisely.

Текст песни

Here in my country,
No figure of speech is currency enough for you to buy your freedom.
I can tell you of Dele Giwa, whose freedom of speech took flight in paper planes that sent him to his early grave.
I can tell you of the young girl whose cry for help never made it pass her predators ears.
Yes, you have the right to speak or forever hold your peace.
But you must know this, that this peace doesn't really come in peace
Would you choke on truths too bitter to swallow
Forgetting that you have the right to speak more than you have the right to remain silent.
For though no brighter grammar is bright enough to shed light on a truth that chooses to remain hidden,
Your words is magnifying glass enough to give clarity to a lie told
This is the power in every woman that chooses her cultured tongue would spill words that would work wonders.
This is the courage of every man that denies the right to remain silent.
Ask Wole Soyinka, he would tell you;
"The man dies in all who keep silent in the face of tyranny."
Ask chimamanda, and you would know that every word written would surely play right.
Didn't they tell you, that your word is kryptonite for every superman.
So speak with a louding voice, for just like a verdict given, your words possess the power to truly change things.



Insightful stuff

Bold and perceptive.

love this💓



I love this! keep it up💪

This is very inspirational, keep it up.

"Your words possess the power to truly change things". very loud and clear!

soo relatable as a Nigerian

A beautiful piece 👏👏

This is solid

Good one👏

beautiful piece, unique voice

You're always on fire!🔥

Words work wonders. No doubt.

Awesome 👌

16 Комментарии

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