Published 2 years ago in Social Issues


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I formed a story in my head:
A young boy who loves his father very much,
But knew nothing about guns,
Found a loaded one in his daddy's drawer,
While the man was sleep,
With the weapon pointed straight at the man's heart
He squeezed his finger
Guess what happened?
The man did not die
because the boy did not know that guns could kill

Now, That's fantasy, yet you find it difficult to believe,
Because you know,
That a thing was done out of ignorance has never reduced it's consequences

Awareness is a weapon most humans are yet to harness.
Dear citizen of earth,
Just how much do you know about the world you live in?

In the court of law,
Ignorance is not an excuse

In Oceania, you can be jailed for forgetting your wife's birthday
God help those who have five.

In Switzerland, you can't flush your own toilet once it's past 10pm

It is illegal to sing off key in north California
I bet a lot of people would play deaf and dumb during Sunday worship

In Singapore, it is a crime to chew gum without a doctor's prescription

In the court of law,
Ignorance is not an excuse

Awareness is a weapon most humans are yet to harness.

There is a tight grip at the throat of earth
The earth is choking, dying slowly
And it's our hands on its neck

We press, and press and press
Then we look it in the face and ask,
Why are you not smiling?

Sometimes, we cut out our tongues at night
Then wake up in the morning in search of our voices
Our choices have brought us this far
This is far from the beautiful earth we once had
It's hard to hit the nail in the head and tell ourselves the truth
That we are the root of these environmental disasters
We are the answers to all the questions we've been asking

Protecting our planet should be a primary pursuit of every person
So we educate, make everyone around us aware
That the environment has a life of its own
We plant a tree, plant intentionality
Aware that we would reap whatever it is we have sown

We know,
That every time we spare a tree
We spare our selves the agony of losing our properties to flood

The pollution of water will harm the fish and we can only hope it doesn't come back to harm us

I know, that science and technology has its glory
But if it's at the expense of earth sustainability
Then this story will have scenes full of gory

Climate change is a basket we all weaved
And today as we become aware,
We wear the consciousness of responsibility
We have the ability to do little things and make a huge difference

Together, by all means,
I perform a poem,
You write a book,
You sing a song,
You propose a bill
You instruct a child
We wouldn't fold our arms and watch this darkness go wild

The people before us planted havoc,
And disaster is what we have reaped,
But we change the narrative
We make the earth conducive for those that will come after us

While terrorism is a dog that has been barking at us for ages
Climate change is a lion sneaking up on us without roaring
We would not wait till we are devoured, we will act on these warnings

We act as city that is circumspect
As a nation taking steps in retrospect
As a world that is aware
That we are in a warfare

When we become intentional about having a world that is sustainable
Alot is achievable

Awareness is a weapon we all must harness.
That a thing was done out of ignorance has never reduced it's consequences

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