Published 2 years ago in WOW 9 Entry Poems

What's Poetry

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This is a poem about the characteristics of poetry and the task of being a poet


My audience
What's Poetry?
old english say it's
any form of literature that's not a prose
that it could rig up some poetic devices and make you snap as it takes a pose
or does a runway with figures of speech if you also choose to oppose
poetry could compare reasons between a lady and a flower
so your torn
like a simile ? or metaphorically ?
it can a thick coca cola body of meaning if you take it figuratively
poetry puts amusement parks in our mind so we watch words play
it likes to exaggerates a lot!!
make a buta out of a plastic souvenir it can hype a bowl
it's the paradox Schrodinger's cat in your mind curious whether or not, I'll use the remaining 11 figures of speech
to score my pitch
but that's that
others have used poetry to braid attachments out of their emotions, so on stage they weave expressions
others may weather it to a fist to throw of a punchlines to dent the room or in a crowd leave impressions
in essence it could be Fragile or Jaga Jaga
same person
it could be long surd to root out a problem
or an emergency response to an emotion like a dagger
it can be a riot act or a new national anthem
or to also eclipse the loss of a loved partner

to my poets

page or stage
whether we choose to gesticulate or demonstrate
or cast our words like the spells of a mage to paint the pictures we envisage
you get to decide
we bring More to Life without being Oruz
here there are no laid down rules
your half lines or cues
you get to choose
well be careful with your muse, seek to not just amuse
it could get corny if your words just amaze without any grain of depth
so a
predictable rhyme scheme
open verse, blank verse
inspired from a meme
poetry is art
and like every form of art it's never finished but an abandoned dork yard of tools , so you choose what works for you
a little disclaimer
poetry could turn
your audience to ghosts and one-day booooo you
or make a fan out of a guy's girl and so one day could blow you a kiss too
but any how sha
Who poetry epp?

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