Fallen gods

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We say an individual is "talented" because he is unusally gifted. But the perfection of one's gift is a different destination entirely and though the heavily gifted ones have a headstart, this treacherous road tests everything else but what you're good at.
But if one gains mastery, one often displays things that are said to be mind blowing, extraordinary, imposible; things that are god-like


What does it mean to be a god.
To have the perfection of strength;
Reaching the heights of greatness?
Or to have hands outstretched over our heads impacting half the universe?
What makes a man a god.
If all men were born with abilities,
What sets him apart from mere mortals?
To what depths do they find roots in themsleves,
Before they expanse their branches into an entire world for these little birds.
Or, are gods just made the day they were born?
Did they learn to fly the same way they learnt to crawl.
What if a god was born in a time when gods do not exist.
What if a god was born in a manager,
And grew up in rigid system where it was impossible to do the impossible.
What if a god capable of designing a universe lived his entire life a carpenter.
What if the god of the seas never walked on water.
What if the one to rule the sky never knew what it felt to have the clouds cloud the eye;
For like waves backwashing into the sea,
Ignorance is erasing, liberating the burden of purpose of gods written in the sands of the shore,
And so if ignorance can silence their destinies in darkness,
Then knowledge is light;
A lamp unto feets that would choose to tread path of truth,
The truth;
That all men are gods,
Offsprings of the all mighty God.
Each with a threshold of unique set of abilities.
But i have seen with the eyes of horus that the gods amongst us
Are not necessarily the stongests, the wisest or the most gifted.
But unto him that has,
More will be given.
And to him that has not,
Even the little he possesses will be taken.
So to be a god is not enough,
For the serpent can slither to be with eve,
The blood of Nessus is poison on Hercules' skin,
An arrow can be shot to Archilles' heel,
Delilah can seduce her way into chambers of Zeus for the silent kill.
To be a god is not enough.
For what are the odds,
That your flaws wouldn't hold you back till you fall on all fours to the floor.
Your insecurities you made your king,
You bend the knee,
To jericoh walls,
You lack believe.
For whats a dream
To be baked,
Without the icing of impossibility.
Who is a king
To be made,
Without his enemies in the guise of loyalty.
To where would the promised land lead,
Without the voices of uncertainty.
So verily i say to thee,
For every force birthed within,
Theres an equal and opposite reaction out against you.
The moment you gain life death sought after you.
You received power and fear haunted you.
The chaos of doubt,
The vagueness of a reality that doesn't exist taunting you.
The anxiousness of what may be but isnt daunting you.
You fear you might fall,
So you refuse to rise.
Afraid to shine,
Scared of his light,
This god burys his gifts.
And that which he has is taken from him and bestowed to me;
The gift of poetry;
Like feathers crafted on the back of icarus;
These words give me wings,
They're what keep me up at night.
Dont need my grandmother's broom to fly.
But The fire of passion will only get you this neigh,
Before it dims.
For if i fly too close,
The sun will sever my wings.

Talent is not enough to buy every man the life they deserve.
To posses the abilities of a god is not enough to live like one.
For time and chance happens to us all.
So when the time and chance comes.
I must be the master of my fate.
Standing ready in front.


Guy, this is giving me chills... So, I could be a god and try my ignorance can deny me my right.


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