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Entry September Monthly Poetreel Competition


Loving a poet is to embrace the art of love itself
With all its complexities, contradictions, depth, vulnerability and beauty
To cherish the words of someone whose soul speaks in verses
To dance to the tunes of their sometimes melancholic metaphors that spill over in torrents
And other times carefully measured in delicate lines
Knowing that each verse, tender and raw carries the weight of their hearts
Accepting that they will see the world with eyes that turns the mundane into the magical
Being patient for they might retreat into the solitude of their thoughts
Or lost in the rhythm of their inner dialogue
It means being their muse,
The inspiration that fuels their creativity
The presence that grounds them when they drift too far into the abstract
The hands that holds them as they navigate both light and shadow
To be their confidant, their safe haven
To understand that their love will be as deep layered as the words they weave
Loving a poet is to be the art of love itself.

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