Published 2 years ago in I am a Verb

I am a verb

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As a writer, I watch and tell things as they are.


I write.
I write and I bring words to sight
My heart is home to numerous bits and parts.
Ideas and thoughts clutter up the inside
My hand quivers with excitement for the pen
So I invite
I invite the words to the tip of my pen
But none is forthcoming and I realize just then
A dark knight must have stolen them at night.
An outright refusal is all I get.
Indistinct thoughts are all I have.
Despite that,
I strive to ignite that little light of mine.
The pictures come alive. The words form and unite.
A distinct imagery is created tonight
And my pen writes it just alright.
Words excite me.

I'm here to communicate, like a satellite
I relay the action
Of things that happened
In past and present tenses
My words become your new lenses
Piques your interest and senses
I may not make things happen
But things happen when the events I sharpen
Paint on your thoughts like stencils.
We, in God's hands, are like pencils
I've been used to make my own clauses.

I tell of things as they were
Watch how you listen and wish you were there
I made it happen, let's be fair.
I may not be verbal but I'm a verb



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