If all I have is..

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This poem is written and recited under a theme If all I have is..
For the competition.


If all I have is a just a dream, a flicker in my mind's own stream,
I'll hold it close, I'll let it gleam
And let the world hear my silent scream.

If all I have is but a song a melody that is carried along,
I'll sing it loud, I'll sing it strong
And let the echo guide me along.

If all I have is a pen and a page,
A vessel for thoughts to engage,
I'll write my truth, I'll turn the page
And let the words ignite my inner rage.

If all I have is a heart that yearns,
A fire within that fiercely burns
I'll love with all, my soul adjourns
And let the passions set my world in turns.

For if all I have is courage and will
To chase my dreams, to never be still
Then all I have is all I need to conquer life's hurdles
At full speed.

Troy writes.


wonderful poetry


wow so impressive


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