Business Planning for Creatives

King Olulu King Olulu · 2 years ago · 514 views
What is your plan for this new year? Have you made one yet? Or perhaps, you are not sure how to go about it? I'm sure you remember the popular saying, "if you fail to plan, you are planning to fail." Don't dull yourself this year. If you have the right plan, this will be your best year yet.
Business Planning for Creatives

There are five things crucial for your progress and success in life. These are:

1. A strategy to win. Have a plan.
2. Knowledge of the opposing force(s).
3. Identify the resources you have/ need.
4. Have/ learn the ability/ skill to use the resources.
5. Communication and documentation of the process.

As stated above, "first thing first," HAVE A PLAN.

What is your plan for this new year? Have you made one yet?
Or perhaps, you are not sure how to go about it?

I'm sure you remember the popular saying, "if you fail to plan, you are planning to fail."

Don't dull yourself this year.
If you have the right plan, this will be your best year yet.

For now is the time to:

Think more creatively
Plan more strategically
Pray more responsibly
Love God more radically
Execute more intentionally.

So go ahead and download my audio training, and PDF presentation on "Business Planning for Creatives."

You will be glad you did.

Click this link to download -


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