The winners for Week Four of Poetreel Weekly Challenge are...

King Olulu King Olulu · 2 years ago · 709 views
I am a verb...okay, so how best can you tell us you are a verb?
The winners for Week Four of Poetreel Weekly Challenge are...

What is a verb?

An action word, right?

So the theme, "I am a verb," is all about you telling/ showing us who you are without having to name/ mention it (severally).

We wanted to hear, listen and enjoy as you told us a story.

And indeed we did!

Unfortunately, we are constrained to just two winners per week.

But, worthy of mention is the piece by Joseph Daniel, as well as, the one by Ann Ukornyi.

Therefore, based on the unanimous decision of the Judges, the winners for Poetreel Weekly Challenge Week Four are:

        • Divinefavour Ndada

        • Mbaike Onyinyechukwu

Congrats guys.

Please look out for messages in your inbox asking for your account details and all.


The theme for Week Five will be released on Sunday July 23, 2023.


Let the words rain, so words can reign.


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