Poetreel Weekly Challenge

King Olulu King Olulu · 2 years ago · 1909 views
Over £500 to be won in 12 weeks. That's £40 per week, and every week for the top poets, and consolation prizes (cash and/or kind) for remarkable entries.
Poetreel Weekly Challenge

Dear word slayers, wordsmiths, word slingers, word players, poets, and spoken word artists.

Welcome to Poetreel Weekly Challenge. The first of its kind audio-based weekly poetry slam.This event was borne out of our love for spoken word poetry, and for poets. Thus, we want to promote the art form, and celebrate the artists.

Are you ready to unleash, unveil, and reveal your poetic prowess?

Here are the guidelines for Poetreel Weekly Challenge:

    • This competition will run for 12 weeks starting from Sunday June 25, 2023.

    • The theme for each week will be announced every Sunday on this blog.

    • Uploading/ submission of entries will be from Sunday till 12 noon on Friday.

    • All (weekly) entries must be uploaded under the category/ genre of the theme of the week.

    • The Upload/ entry should be five minutes or less.

    • If an entry is not uploaded under the right category/ genre it's considered null and void for that week.

    • The top ten poets will be selected based on the highest number of likes on poetreel.com.

    • In the event where there is a tie in the number of likes, then the number of comments will be used as a tie-breaker.

    • The use of bots and /or other illegal means to get likes and comments on poetreel.com will result in automatic disqualification.

    • The top ten poets will be announced on this blog on Friday.

    • The selection of the top two poets (from the top ten) will be done by our in-house judges. The criteria for selection of the top two poets are as follows:
    • Context - adherence/ relevance to the theme.
    • Content - appropriate use of poetic devices.
    • Articulation/ Delivery - clear, concise, and confident.
    • Originality
    • Audience Appeal

    • The top two poets will be announced on Saturday on this blog.

    • A poet who wins in any given week can only re-contest in the upper week subsequent to his or her win i.e. if you win in week one you can’t participate again until week three, and if you win in week two you can’t participate again until week four etc.

    • If you are declared the winner on two different occasions, you can't compete again until week 12.

    • All the winners from week 1 to week 11 will face off in week 12 in a winner takes all round. The guidelines for this round will be provided.

    • Winners and consolation prizes for Week 1 to 6 will be paid on or before August 17, 2023. While Week 7 to 12 will be paid on or before October 17, 2023. The cash prize(s) will be paid into Paypal, UK Bank Account, or Nigerian Bank Account (this will be in Naira at the prevailing rate).

We look forward to listening to and enjoying your entries, as well as celebrating your talent.

Let the words rain, so words can reign.

By uploading/submitting an entry, each entrant grants to the sponsor and its licensees, successors, and assigns an irrevocable, perpetual, unlimited, royalty-free, fully paid-up license to reproduce, distribute, display, exhibit, exploit, perform, edit, create derivatives of & otherwise use the entry & all elements of such entry, together with any other material, as well as the name, username, city & state of residence, voice, image and/or likeness of the entrant (including, without limitation, profile photo), in any & all media now known or hereafter devised, in any manner, in whole or in part, worldwide, without compensation or notification to, or permission from, entrant or any third party, for any purpose whatsoever, including without limitation, for purposes of advertising or trade.


  • Vickylaposh

    This is interesting,
    I'm looking forward to it. 🥳

  • Inaya

    can't wait may the best man win

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